Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Anticipation!

¡Bienvenidos a todos!

On Saturday I am departing for Ecuador until July 26th. I will be out of country for about 8 weeks, trying my hand at development work and improving my Spanish skills. I am so excited and know it is going to be a phenomenal experience. I have never done anything like development work before but have a good idea such work is what I would like to pursue as a career path so this will be the best way for me to know for sure. Anyway, I will be flying into Guayaquil, the country's largest city and spending my first two weeks based in Cuenca, getting some training and intensive Spanish lessons. From there, we go out to various satellite sites where we actually will be doing the development work, more details on exactly what work I will be doing to come. The first city we go to is Loja for a week, then Zamora, which is very rural, for a week. After that, we go back to Cuenca for another week to discuss our work. Then we go back out to satellite sites, first Riobamba. Fun fact: Riobamba is where the largest volcano in Ecuador is and apparently it is the point that is furthest from the center of the Earth because of the Equatorial bulge. After that, we go to the coast for a week and then go back to Cuenca for a few days before I come home. Everywhere we go, I will be staying in a homestay, which I have learned from previous experience is a fantastic way to get to know the people and culture of a country. I think that is about all for now, but I will try to keep my blog updated. I am not sure how prevalent the internet will be when I am there, but I will do my best to keep everyone updated!
